
I’m a misanthrope, and the more I learn about the past, and humanity the worse it gets.

I already knew about planned obsolescence. But I didn't realize just how bad it was. Instead of working towards a future, where we don't have to work our asses just replacing the stuff. We could have actually worked towards creating things that would last lifetimes. It's all basically just a pointless fucking cycle meant to enrich the wealthy and keep us dependent on them. We could have clothes that last a lifetime, but instead we make them out of cheap materials with sweatshop workers, and literal child slave labor. Lightbulbs were on a trend to last years. There is a lightbulb from long ago that has been burning for more than a million hours. It's pretty famous, it was in a firehouse. It's a tourist attraction now. But basically a lightbulb cartel formed, out of the major lightbulb companies. And they conspired to lower the lifespan of lightbulbs. So people…

I already knew about planned obsolescence. But I didn't realize just how bad it was.

Instead of working towards a future, where we don't have to work our asses just replacing the stuff.

We could have actually worked towards creating things that would last lifetimes.

It's all basically just a pointless fucking cycle meant to enrich the wealthy and keep us dependent on them.

We could have clothes that last a lifetime, but instead we make them out of cheap materials with sweatshop workers, and literal child slave labor.

Lightbulbs were on a trend to last years. There is a lightbulb from long ago that has been burning for more than a million hours.

It's pretty famous, it was in a firehouse. It's a tourist attraction now.

But basically a lightbulb cartel formed, out of the major lightbulb companies. And they conspired to lower the lifespan of lightbulbs. So people would be forced to buy more.

So. Instead of coming up with a product that is genuinely better that people would want to buy. They artificially shortened the lifespan of the product.

Literally holding back the progress of humanity for their greed.

Then planned obsolescence became more commonplace.

They use the excuse that it lets people get jobs.

Why can't we just not work 40 plus fucking hours a week to replace broken shit that was built defective to begin with?

Who the fuck wants to make lightbulbs for the rest of their life?

Especially when we can build stuff that lasts a lifetime, and only replace stuff when we genuinely need to or there is a genuinely better upgrade.

I mean. What the fuck is wrong with humanity?

It's like Sisyphus and his fucking pushing boulder up a hill for eternity.

Of course part of the problem is the puritan work ethic. Where people literally think they are somehow morally superior because they do pointless labor.

God forbid they should take a break or enjoy their literally god-damned short ass life on this piece of shit rock.

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