
I’m a software engineer and RTO is making me want to kill myself

This is a throw away account. I know covid was terrible for most people, but for me it was the best work experience of my life. I talked to more people, wasn't filled with social anxiety, could go for early morning runs, walks at lunchtime, etc… Now I'm back to work and all the old cliques have reformed and I'm just left by myself at my desk. No-one talks to me and I'm going fucking insane. I feel like I'm the only one that hates RTO and I'm getting to the point where I just want to jump in front of the tube.

This is a throw away account. I know covid was terrible for most people, but for me it was the best work experience of my life. I talked to more people, wasn't filled with social anxiety, could go for early morning runs, walks at lunchtime, etc…

Now I'm back to work and all the old cliques have reformed and I'm just left by myself at my desk. No-one talks to me and I'm going fucking insane. I feel like I'm the only one that hates RTO and I'm getting to the point where I just want to jump in front of the tube.

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