
I’m about to walk out

My boss just left to get his lunch coffee. He was so matter of fact. We've been cut and dry with each other for a long time. Today hit a bad nerve for me, he told a patient the turmeric the way were taking was probably okay for thinning their blood but the aspirin wasn't doing them any good. An elderly woman. Please talk to your actual health provider before discontinuing prescription medications and important OTC medicines. This “doctor” (chiropractor) tests people and makes up imaginary problems. Sorry bubs, I am a child of science. Now the hard part that I need random strangers' input on: do I walk out today, while I'm the only person working reception, or when he's away on vacation? There is only one “doctor” in the office and two receptionists: me and one other lady who is out of town.

My boss just left to get his lunch coffee. He was so matter of fact. We've been cut and dry with each other for a long time.

Today hit a bad nerve for me, he told a patient the turmeric the way were taking was probably okay for thinning their blood but the aspirin wasn't doing them any good.
An elderly woman.

Please talk to your actual health provider before discontinuing prescription medications and important OTC medicines.

This “doctor” (chiropractor) tests people and makes up imaginary problems.

Sorry bubs, I am a child of science.

Now the hard part that I need random strangers' input on: do I walk out today, while I'm the only person working reception, or when he's away on vacation?

There is only one “doctor” in the office and two receptionists: me and one other lady who is out of town.

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