
I’m afraid to look for a new job.

For some context. I work at a dining facility on campus at the college I used to attend. On a given day I'm either doing dishes in the back or fulfilling orders in front. It's not the best job, but I like it well enough. I like (most of) my coworkers and my boss is great. She's very understanding of my mental illnesses and disability (neurological disorder). She's not mad if I'm late, she doesn't punish me for calling of if I have a bad mental health day, and she's just fun to work with. The problem is, I make $10/hr. I can't afford to work part time hours and my mind and body can't afford to work full time hours. Plus I'm moving to a new apartment in town and it would no longer be as feasible to walk to work, especially in the winter. I need a new…

For some context. I work at a dining facility on campus at the college I used to attend. On a given day I'm either doing dishes in the back or fulfilling orders in front. It's not the best job, but I like it well enough. I like (most of) my coworkers and my boss is great. She's very understanding of my mental illnesses and disability (neurological disorder). She's not mad if I'm late, she doesn't punish me for calling of if I have a bad mental health day, and she's just fun to work with.
The problem is, I make $10/hr. I can't afford to work part time hours and my mind and body can't afford to work full time hours. Plus I'm moving to a new apartment in town and it would no longer be as feasible to walk to work, especially in the winter. I need a new job.
I'm just terrified that my next boss is not going to be NEARLY as accommodating as my current boss, and I'm scared I'm going to be fired for something I can't control, or stigmatized. I hate that this is the reality for a disabled person in America. I have to choose between my mental/physical health and affording rent.

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