
I’m asking for a raise for the first time this week. All thanks to antiwork!

I have been antiwork without realising it for years. I've quit jobs on a whim. I've walked out of interviews. I steal when managers mistreat me to compensate myself. I find loopholes in jobs that benefit me. But I have NEVER asked for a raise. I usually just quit and find something better paid when I need to. I would rather quit and never work again… Obviously. But instead this week I am asking for an extra £100 a week. This will salary match me with the highest paid people in my role in the country and to be honest is a bit of a long shot. But I make them a LOT more money than that. So F it. Pay me or I quit ️ Any advice or words of wisdom welcome.

I have been antiwork without realising it for years. I've quit jobs on a whim. I've walked out of interviews. I steal when managers mistreat me to compensate myself. I find loopholes in jobs that benefit me. But I have NEVER asked for a raise. I usually just quit and find something better paid when I need to.
I would rather quit and never work again… Obviously.
But instead this week I am asking for an extra £100 a week. This will salary match me with the highest paid people in my role in the country and to be honest is a bit of a long shot. But I make them a LOT more money than that. So F it. Pay me or I quit ️

Any advice or words of wisdom welcome.

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