
I’m at a loss with my job (rant/sort of seeking advice)

I work at a local small business. We’ve got two stores in different cities, and i am the assistant manager to one of them. I was hired in december of 2021, and began my management position in April. This is my first retail job, by the way. The job, simply put, is kind of ass. I’m twenty years old and am a creative person. I was in school for an english degree and took a break for my mental health and to collect money. Before the management position I was making $15, which I think is pretty decent for a small business? When offered the management position I was going to shoot for twenty, as I not only am the “assistant” manager. I post to social media, do extensive research on trends, and develop plans to boost our brand. I was given a two dollar raise. My friend was given…

I work at a local small business. We’ve got two stores in different cities, and i am the assistant manager to one of them. I was hired in december of 2021, and began my management position in April. This is my first retail job, by the way.

The job, simply put, is kind of ass. I’m twenty years old and am a creative person. I was in school for an english degree and took a break for my mental health and to collect money.

Before the management position I was making $15, which I think is pretty decent for a small business? When offered the management position I was going to shoot for twenty, as I not only am the “assistant” manager. I post to social media, do extensive research on trends, and develop plans to boost our brand. I was given a two dollar raise. My friend was given a 50 cent raise the same day. So I make $1.50 more than someone who does Minimal work.

My boss is extremely intimidating, and they are that way on purpose. They’re friendly and nice, but are extremely no nonsense. I deserve more than $17 for the work I do, seeing as I soon will also be a part host/camp leader. The job is demanding, and our weird hours make it impossible to get Everything done that I need to during the day.

I want to bring up a raise, as I am doing an Extreme amount of work. But I feel that they will use the excuse of the opportunity they gave me. They said that if I hit a goal of a certain amount of followers that I would get a $100 bonus. Yippee.

They never sent my official offer document either, and I am the only person with a management position at the store. I’d love to communicate with my coworkers about our pay, but besides my two coworkers who were my friends before we got the job, they are all narcs and would tell the boss if I asked around.

Also one huge red flag is that I talked to my friend about how I was frustrated with my job (at work, I know that’s bad. But we were Alone in a private room. They Could’ve heard, but only if they hung around the door.) then the next day my boss told me that if I’m ever frustrated to rant to the manager of the other store, and not my best friend because that could impact their view of the store.


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