
I’m beyond discouraged and losing motivation to do anything.

So I recently moved states. I was unable to find a job where I previously lived due to no transportation, or anyone willing to help, applied countless places and maybe got four interviews in an entire six months, which was a miracle because even after follow up calls I'd usually never hear back from them. All of which blew me off for lesser qualified and lesser available candidates. I mean these were entry level positions, McDonald's, chili's, Starbucks, etc. I come from a food service and caregiving background. I'm 24, a white female, with no children or college schedules to work around. I always present myself as eager, but not desperate for the position. At first I tried not to be too hard on myself because the economy there has become extremely terrible over the past 5 years, and I was far from the only one who was struggling. I…

So I recently moved states. I was unable to find a job where I previously lived due to no transportation, or anyone willing to help, applied countless places and maybe got four interviews in an entire six months, which was a miracle because even after follow up calls I'd usually never hear back from them. All of which blew me off for lesser qualified and lesser available candidates. I mean these were entry level positions, McDonald's, chili's, Starbucks, etc. I come from a food service and caregiving background. I'm 24, a white female, with no children or college schedules to work around. I always present myself as eager, but not desperate for the position. At first I tried not to be too hard on myself because the economy there has become extremely terrible over the past 5 years, and I was far from the only one who was struggling. I moved in December, and have recently started job searching. I have access to a car now, and so many other things I was missing before in the job search. And the same thing is happening here. I don't get it. Everyone has it posted that “we're hiring” and I can't even get into these entry level positions that they're giving out to highschool kids and middle aged moms. It makes me feel like shit. I don't wear makeup as I have acne scars and makeup makes me break out terribly and have found it not to be worth it. But I always make sure I am clean and presentable, dressed appropriately with the clothing I do have, I speak clearly and neither oversell or undersell myself. I don'tfucking get what I'm doing wrong to be constantly passed over by everyone. I'm discouraged as fuck and am scared of having to depend on a man for the rest of my life and every year that passes with me not working is me getting fucked out of social security to live off of later. I'll never have children or family to care for me when I'm old and I worry a lot about my future. As soon as I am employed I plan on going back to school for an official CNA certification which I plan to turn into a nursing degree, so long term career plan im not worried too much about. I don't have a computer or laptop anymore so working from home is not an option currently, that's probably my first investment I'll be making for myself is a good laptop, the ones I was looking at run for around a thousand dollars, probably 1500 by the time I get a mouse, case, accessories and protection plans set up. I need some words of encouragement.

Are businesses actually hiring or do they just post it to look good? It's extremely off putting when I apply and follow up, and someone has told me that they are not actively hiring, and then I see a new employee a few weeks later.
My last interview was at taco John's, and I'm beyond pissed that I haven't received so much as a call back that the hiring manager has received my application, after being told by the shift manager he would call me back that evening or the next day.

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