
I’m burned out and don’t know what to do.

So I work at a nursing home as a social worker. My coworker is off for two weeks unexpectedly and I am doing both long term (2 units) and subacute units at the same time, essentially being two and a half people, while my coworker has her one unit and the other half of subacute. It took everything in me not to walk out this morning after being yelled at for not knowing information that I could not have possibly known as the one that’s out for 2 weeks didn’t leave any notes or anything to say where she left off, etc. Even before this, I have been burned out and it’s reached a point where it’s affecting my life at home. I really hate this job but it’s the most money I’ve ever made and I don’t really want to leave even though I absolutely hate it. I’m stuck…

So I work at a nursing home as a social worker. My coworker is off for two weeks unexpectedly and I am doing both long term (2 units) and subacute units at the same time, essentially being two and a half people, while my coworker has her one unit and the other half of subacute. It took everything in me not to walk out this morning after being yelled at for not knowing information that I could not have possibly known as the one that’s out for 2 weeks didn’t leave any notes or anything to say where she left off, etc. Even before this, I have been burned out and it’s reached a point where it’s affecting my life at home. I really hate this job but it’s the most money I’ve ever made and I don’t really want to leave even though I absolutely hate it. I’m stuck in this rut. I could be wrong on this but, I also don’t seem to accumulate PTO like my coworkers do because I could not possibly just take two weeks off like that. I don’t even have enough to take off for my own doctors appointments let alone an actual vacation.

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