
I’m confused

So, today my manager called me on my day off to tell me that I was fired. When I asked why she said that she couldn’t say. Well, later today she texts me and asked if I wanted to come in tomorrow for some “clarity.” So, I immediately asked why she couldn’t just tell me over the phone, but she was adamant that I had to come in if I wanted to know. This whole situation feels off to me. Has anyone had an experience like this before? Is there a potentially nefarious reason that she would want me to come in? For reference, I have no clue why I was fired. I had been with them for almost three months and my last review I was told I was doing an “excellent” job by said manger, which was two weeks ago. Thanks for your time and responses.

So, today my manager called me on my day off to tell me that I was fired. When I asked why she said that she couldn’t say. Well, later today she texts me and asked if I wanted to come in tomorrow for some “clarity.” So, I immediately asked why she couldn’t just tell me over the phone, but she was adamant that I had to come in if I wanted to know. This whole situation feels off to me. Has anyone had an experience like this before? Is there a potentially nefarious reason that she would want me to come in? For reference, I have no clue why I was fired. I had been with them for almost three months and my last review I was told I was doing an “excellent” job by said manger, which was two weeks ago. Thanks for your time and responses.

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