
I’m curious

There's a lot of horror stories here about abusive management. Have any of you ever punched your boss in the face? I once punched a co-worker square in the mouth and it is still one of the best things I've ever done in my professional life. I'm not advocating for violence. But there are a lot of people out there in the world who need a reminder that there's certain levels of respect that should be offered to people and there's consequences for violating our social norms.

There's a lot of horror stories here about abusive management. Have any of you ever punched your boss in the face? I once punched a co-worker square in the mouth and it is still one of the best things I've ever done in my professional life.

I'm not advocating for violence. But there are a lot of people out there in the world who need a reminder that there's certain levels of respect that should be offered to people and there's consequences for violating our social norms.

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