
I’m curious on how many people are denied their PTO/vacation time?

I worked as a bedside nurse for a long time and besides the fact that I had to work every other weekend/holiday, all my vacation requests/PTO were honored. Now that I work in a different department (non-bedside nursing), I have already been denied a PTO day and we can only take two weeks off during the “summer” which runs from May through September. This does not sit well with me as my family life is very important to me. My husband works in automotive and can take vacation time/PTO whenever he wants. I guess I’m just curious if this is a normal thing to be denied your vacation when you have the PTO available. For those of you who respond, can you tell me what you do for a job/career?

I worked as a bedside nurse for a long time and besides the fact that I had to work every other weekend/holiday, all my vacation requests/PTO were honored. Now that I work in a different department (non-bedside nursing), I have already been denied a PTO day and we can only take two weeks off during the “summer” which runs from May through September. This does not sit well with me as my family life is very important to me. My husband works in automotive and can take vacation time/PTO whenever he wants.

I guess I’m just curious if this is a normal thing to be denied your vacation when you have the PTO available. For those of you who respond, can you tell me what you do for a job/career?

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