
I’m currently watching Star Trek Deep Space 9 – Season 3, Episode 11/12 ‘Past Tense’ and it’s spooky how close the 2024 Storyline is to the current state of the world.

If you thought The Simpsons were good at predicting the future then you need to watch these episodes. In this two part storyline 3 of the main characters are accidentally transported to San Francisco in 2024 and things are really bad with mass unemployment, homelessness and lack of healthcare and those that do work are badly underpaid, remind you of anything? Spookily, this is also 2 years before World War 3 is meant to break out in the Star Trek Universe in 2026 – 2053. Oh well, at least we have 2063 to look forward to when the Vulcans will make First Contact with us.

If you thought The Simpsons were good at predicting the future then you need to watch these episodes.

In this two part storyline 3 of the main characters are accidentally transported to San Francisco in 2024 and things are really bad with mass unemployment, homelessness and lack of healthcare and those that do work are badly underpaid, remind you of anything?

Spookily, this is also 2 years before World War 3 is meant to break out in the Star Trek Universe in 2026 – 2053.

Oh well, at least we have 2063 to look forward to when the Vulcans will make First Contact with us.

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