
I’m done. During COVID, everyone at my old job worked from home, went on salary, and had very little supervision.

Guess what? Everyone did their job, probably even better than before. We were more productive, had a better work-life balance, and so on. Without someone standing over our shoulder. Without being a slave to a time clock. We all believed in our company and genuinely cared about its future. So what did ownership and management learn from this? You guessed it, nothing. They brought everyone back, hired a HR manager, and managers started using HR to go after people for the stupidest, pettiest things, probably because one, they sucked at their own jobs, and two, they felt threatened that their employees did great without them. 40% of the company has quit or been fired since things got back to “normal.” Now, ownership decided to step away from running the company and hired an outside guy, who is in the process of getting rid of the ineffective managers who did it…

Guess what? Everyone did their job, probably even better than before. We were more productive, had a better work-life balance, and so on. Without someone standing over our shoulder. Without being a slave to a time clock. We all believed in our company and genuinely cared about its future.

So what did ownership and management learn from this? You guessed it, nothing. They brought everyone back, hired a HR manager, and managers started using HR to go after people for the stupidest, pettiest things, probably because one, they sucked at their own jobs, and two, they felt threatened that their employees did great without them. 40% of the company has quit or been fired since things got back to “normal.” Now, ownership decided to step away from running the company and hired an outside guy, who is in the process of getting rid of the ineffective managers who did it all.

Most of the managers are only managers because they were the first people hired (the company is 5 years old), and are completely unqualified for their jobs.

In the meantime, the owners will probably get tired of the headache and sell to one of the bigger guys before shit totally falls apart, making millions of dollars off of the hard work and dedication of the employees who actually built the company and got it through COVID, only to be shit on when it was over. And the rest of us get nothing.

I’m fucking done. I won’t waste another minute of my life making someone else rich. Maybe I’ll move to Panama. I have a decent amount of savings and have a disease that pretty much guarantees I qualify for disability, so I’ll have a decent income by Panamanian standards. I’ll sit on the beach and drink Mai Tais for the rest of my life. Fuck work.

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