
I’m frustrated as hell

Been working as a DSP for about 6 years now. It’s a tough position, and I’m not sure how people last longer in this position. My newest boss, who just became my boss in October of last year, just quit out of nowhere, and the person who I had traded clients with due to medical stuff, under the assumption that it was gonna last a few months, is not coming back to the position, not because of the medical stuff. Now I don’t blame either of them, this job is freaking difficult, and I got along great with both of them, but this job has been tearing me down for years now and in the past 6 months it’s only gotten 10 times worse. I screamed in frustration on my way home so loud that I lost my voice for the next day, and a few days after that I…

Been working as a DSP for about 6 years now. It’s a tough position, and I’m not sure how people last longer in this position. My newest boss, who just became my boss in October of last year, just quit out of nowhere, and the person who I had traded clients with due to medical stuff, under the assumption that it was gonna last a few months, is not coming back to the position, not because of the medical stuff. Now I don’t blame either of them, this job is freaking difficult, and I got along great with both of them, but this job has been tearing me down for years now and in the past 6 months it’s only gotten 10 times worse. I screamed in frustration on my way home so loud that I lost my voice for the next day, and a few days after that I broke down crying before a 14 hour shift because I didn’t want to go into work for someone that will just be cursing at me the entire time. I am tired and frustrated and I want a different job, but I can’t find something that pays better that also has as many benefits, and my options are limited due to back problems so no physical labor stuff, but that’s all I am seeing in the job market.

I am tired of working 9 days in a row for pay that’s not worth the stuff I deal with, because over half my paycheck goes to insurance. I have been trying to find my own thing to do, like a online business or something, but I am just not a business oriented person. I just am tired of working for others for little pay and tired of getting cursed at everyday by people I’m just trying to help.

Sorry for the rant. I just needed to get some stuff off my chest. I appreciate you time and hope you have a good day.

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