Asking for 40K a year. I know Sundays probably a bad day to send the email but idk if I want to wait until Monday.
It is a fairly large family owned local retailer in the North East US with an eCommerce department of 3 people. I essentially handle everything design/marketing related: emails, social, website, etc. & much more such as building the products on site. One of our competitors is Dick’s Sporting Goods. It is completely doable remotely & the only thing that entails me to come in is customer service which I believe simply puts too much within my job description & is not worth my current salary (31K).
I did make a post about this before but have “woosied out” of sending it since. I did take some advice & looked up what ppl in my area with similar job descriptions on make, & it’s well over twice what I do. I also plan on recommending them to hire someone for customer service as 3 is simply too small to handle the size of their operation if they want it to seriously make pushes. I still really appreciate the encouragement & advice I got.
I actually cannot afford to live on my own for less. Apartments are at cheapest $1,000 a month (1 bed/studio) if you’re lucky to find that in my area & you need to make 3x that to even apply for most. I’ve even looked into mortgages bc I’m sick of rent & very well might buy a house. It makes me nervous but it’s all got to happen, for better or worse.
Wish me luck, Reddit. Not entirely sure why I’m shouting this into the void again but it helps to tell someone sometimes. Any more advice is appreciated. I really don’t know why I’m so nervous, I’ve actually already done this before when I was making $14.50 an hour. It worked out fairly well. That was only a year & a half ago.