
I’m going to be honest, I hate nepotism but I’m tired of being the nepotism-ee and the nepotism-er.

Edit: Not* the nepotismer Nepotism, networking, connections, whatever you want to call it, they’re all the same thing. People with nepotism on their side will always prosper. It’s human nature, people will always want to help their friends and family before helping others. I will always prioritise my friends and family if I know of a job opening and if they’re qualified for it. I’ve seen the dumbest and the absolute workers workers get ahead because of who they know, kissing ass and in some cases pretty privilege. Myself included, I got my first opportunity through my brother in law, no interview or anything. Job wasn’t even posted. When I got my part time job, my sister hooked me up, again not even an interview. Straight to orientation both times. Most jobs are not even advertised on job sites. If I work in an industry and have a network, I…

Edit: Not* the nepotismer

Nepotism, networking, connections, whatever you want to call it, they’re all the same thing. People with nepotism on their side will always prosper. It’s human nature, people will always want to help their friends and family before helping others. I will always prioritise my friends and family if I know of a job opening and if they’re qualified for it.

I’ve seen the dumbest and the absolute workers workers get ahead because of who they know, kissing ass and in some cases pretty privilege. Myself included, I got my first opportunity through my brother in law, no interview or anything. Job wasn’t even posted. When I got my part time job, my sister hooked me up, again not even an interview. Straight to orientation both times.

Most jobs are not even advertised on job sites. If I work in an industry and have a network, I know who I’d want to hire and if they say no, I’ll ask them if they know anyone who would be a good fit. I’ve come across posts on LinkedIn where they say they’re looking for an employee and to message them or email them directly. No official job posting on their website or on job boards. It’s directed solely to their network and the networks of their network.

It’s all about opportunity, I know for a fact that we all have potential, not that any of us want to use it to work a 9-5, being a slave to the system. It’s the opportunity that we just don’t get that sets us back and propels others into orbit due to nepotism.

I’m job searching again and I hope this is the last time I do it without nepotism involved. Every-time I look for a job without the help of my network it takes me ages to find a job. It took me an entire year during the pandemic. I’m tired of this and I know we’re all in the same boat.

My goal now, at every workplace I work at is to be the most likeable person there. My lost job was a contract and they offered me a job that I couldn’t accept because of location. They offered it to me because they loved me and I loved them because they were fantastic people.

From now on, hanging out after work? Count me in! Team player? That’s me! Extra work? I’ll ask if you need help the same way people ask if you want some of their food just so you say no but I’ll ask anyway just to be “supportive”

I need nepotism in my life from now on.

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