
I’m going to quit my job.

Cross posted from /r/Radiohead I'm speechless. This morning, my very good friend and bassist for my band overdosed, and is now in the hospital. He's okay and alive, thankfully he's not in a coma. I went into work today and told my manager about the news, saying that I'm still okay to work as it'll put my mind off it. Unfortunately, this morning there was a one off meeting with all the housekeeping team, and I was in no mood to talk to anyone, let alone want to be around anyone. I was then pressured to go into this meeting by my manager one to one, visibly upset and tearing up in front of her, barely able to compose myself. I made a compromise of doing my usual job today and skip the meeting, but that wasn't good enough apparently. I was then given a choice, go to the meeting,…

Cross posted from /r/Radiohead

I'm speechless. This morning, my very good friend and bassist for my band overdosed, and is now in the hospital. He's okay and alive, thankfully he's not in a coma.

I went into work today and told my manager about the news, saying that I'm still okay to work as it'll put my mind off it. Unfortunately, this morning there was a one off meeting with all the housekeeping team, and I was in no mood to talk to anyone, let alone want to be around anyone.

I was then pressured to go into this meeting by my manager one to one, visibly upset and tearing up in front of her, barely able to compose myself. I made a compromise of doing my usual job today and skip the meeting, but that wasn't good enough apparently. I was then given a choice, go to the meeting, or go home. I chose the latter.

I'm just shocked by the lack of empathy. Being told bluntly that “well everyone has their problems in life” when a person you consider your brother is in pain and OD'd just hours earlier – it felt like I was just an inconvenience: “well everyone else is waiting for you.”

I can't see myself going into work after that, so I'm quitting. I refuse to be just another cog in the machine.

I'm looking to find a new job that ACTUALLY values me.

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