
I’m going to use my payrise to pay for therapy to deal with the stress of the job. Something ain’t right.

I know a lot of people are struggling to even get minimum wage, so this is a bit of a first world problem. I've worked minimum wage and lower, so I know how much that truly sucks and I fully support the cause of destroying or at the very least, neutering, capitalism. But right now I feel like Chandler in that episode of Friends where he wants to quit his job to draw comics, but they keep giving him payrises. At this point I'm like, money can pay for goods and services that are useful and enjoyable, but because of stress I don't have the energy to avail of any of those goods or services outside of work. I'm in line for a payrise which I was planning to put towards therapy to help deal with the stress and then it occurred to me “That ain't right” In the short…

I know a lot of people are struggling to even get minimum wage, so this is a bit of a first world problem. I've worked minimum wage and lower, so I know how much that truly sucks and I fully support the cause of destroying or at the very least, neutering, capitalism.

But right now I feel like Chandler in that episode of Friends where he wants to quit his job to draw comics, but they keep giving him payrises. At this point I'm like, money can pay for goods and services that are useful and enjoyable, but because of stress I don't have the energy to avail of any of those goods or services outside of work. I'm in line for a payrise which I was planning to put towards therapy to help deal with the stress and then it occurred to me “That ain't right”

In the short term, I'll still take the money and get the therapy, but long term I'm not sure now.

Fuck this system.

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