
I’m having a rough day.

Started a new job and told them UP FRONT my fiancée was 7-8 months pregnant during the interview. Being the naive 25 y/o that i am, I accepted the offer under the verbally agreed condition that they would honor some time to be with my family when the time came. Bossman calls about a week into us being at the hospital(unforeseen medical complications with mom & baby) I explained everything in detail; so he’d know I wasn’t bullshitting, and offered to bring the paperwork that proves i was indeed at the hospital with my fiancée and our son when returning to work. He says “take as much time as you need” So its been about a month ish now. We were transported to another hospital about an hour away from home and are staying with one of my life long friends from high school that happens to live only 5…

Started a new job and told them UP FRONT my fiancée was 7-8 months pregnant during the interview.

Being the naive 25 y/o that i am, I accepted the offer under the verbally agreed condition that they would honor some time to be with my family when the time came.

Bossman calls about a week into us being at the hospital(unforeseen medical complications with mom & baby)

I explained everything in detail; so he’d know I wasn’t bullshitting, and offered to bring the paperwork that proves i was indeed at the hospital with my fiancée and our son when returning to work.

He says “take as much time as you need”

So its been about a month ish now. We were transported to another hospital about an hour away from home and are staying with one of my life long friends from high school that happens to live only 5 mins from the hospital.

The insurance companies decided they wanted a written letter from my employer stating that i left work on 5/18 on unpaid leave.

So i call the bossman. Got his voicemail, so i explained briefly what was happening and what i needed from them.

Its been almost 2 weeks. No text, no follow up call, no nothing. So im assuming from this point on that im no longer employed since they dont find that to be of any importance.

I’m in a mental rut right now. Being a brand new 1st time father, i feel inadequate. Like i have already failed at providing for my family.

Should i try to contact them any further?

Or do i cut my losses being almost $100k in the hole already due to birth, room & board for the room my kid has taken up for over a month; all the testing and the surgery that went into it.

My blood is literally boiling right now.

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