
I’m in a somewhat bizarre situation

Would like to get your feedback on this. I work as a general maintenance tech at a nursing home (15.33 an hour). I was a plumber before this and have skills in electrical, drywall, carpenters… beyond the requirements of my position. My two year review came up and my raise was 30 cent which is 5 cents less than what I got the first year. I told them that I needed a raise and was denied. They said everyone gets paid the same which I know is not true by talking to other people. I let my supervisor know I’d be looking for a new job and he said not to because he was going to pretend to get hurt at work and I could take over at that point. If that is true I would be getting paid maybe around 23-25 an hour but that’s assuming they would put…

Would like to get your feedback on this.

I work as a general maintenance tech at a nursing home (15.33 an hour). I was a plumber before this and have skills in electrical, drywall, carpenters… beyond the requirements of my position.

My two year review came up and my raise was 30 cent which is 5 cents less than what I got the first year. I told them that I needed a raise and was denied. They said everyone gets paid the same which I know is not true by talking to other people.

I let my supervisor know I’d be looking for a new job and he said not to because he was going to pretend to get hurt at work and I could take over at that point. If that is true I would be getting paid maybe around 23-25 an hour but that’s assuming they would put me in his position.

It’s just the strangest work situation I’ve ever been in and I can’t make heads or tails of it and don’t know where to go from here.

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