
I’m in management but still getting screwed over. My new way of making decisions, ask myself “Does this impact my paycheck?”

It is amazing how little I do impacts my paycheck. I used to bust my ass chasing the carrot of more money only to exceed all goals and then get told its a bad economy or the company didn't make enough for bonuses. Not anymore, if it doesn't impact my paycheck it didn't get my effort. In fact, I found fighting to increase my direct reports pay actually give me a better argument to increase my own pay.

It is amazing how little I do impacts my paycheck. I used to bust my ass chasing the carrot of more money only to exceed all goals and then get told its a bad economy or the company didn't make enough for bonuses. Not anymore, if it doesn't impact my paycheck it didn't get my effort. In fact, I found fighting to increase my direct reports pay actually give me a better argument to increase my own pay.

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