
I’m leaving my work tomorrow.

I have been working on a small appliance store for around 4 years. I report directly to the owner and to be honest is a really easy job. The biggest negative with it is the same with any sales job, the negative people, but is something I can deal with from time to time. I also do the marketing, manage the employees, pretty much everything except payroll, and even that has fallen into me from time to time. I actually loved the place at the beginning, the multiple roles was keeping me sharp. Now, the problem that made me get away from this place is that the owner thing is appropriate for the employees to drink on the job. That has of course caused issues. Mainly because the owner insist on making me work 9 hours a day 6 days a week. Every time I try to explain that is…

I have been working on a small appliance store for around 4 years. I report directly to the owner and to be honest is a really easy job. The biggest negative with it is the same with any sales job, the negative people, but is something I can deal with from time to time. I also do the marketing, manage the employees, pretty much everything except payroll, and even that has fallen into me from time to time. I actually loved the place at the beginning, the multiple roles was keeping me sharp.

Now, the problem that made me get away from this place is that the owner thing is appropriate for the employees to drink on the job. That has of course caused issues. Mainly because the owner insist on making me work 9 hours a day 6 days a week. Every time I try to explain that is no only inappropriate, it affects me a lot because I'm the one dealing with his decisions I get yelled at.

Little by little my mental health has been drifting and drifting away.

Three years I have been trying to get out. There was always something going on that held me there and there will always be something, but I need to get out for my own mental health. I have developed anger issues from having to deal with drunk people at work daily for 4 years. I have become the exact same person that I hate to be. And I don't even drink.

All of that for a paycheck that when adjusted to the hours I worked, amounted to barely $17.50 an hour.

To be completely honest, I'm scared of taking this next step, as I have no one to fall back on and I have no Idea how many of this issues that I have developed will stay with me, but now it will fall back on me to put in the effort, go back to putting in applications and dance away until somebody wants to give me an opportunity. Fun.

All I can think is that this should not be happening. People should not be killing themselves and their mental health just so they can barely afford a small apartment and transportation. Somebody working my hours in any job just a few years ago could have bough a house.

I have accepted that unless luck plays a role, I will never own property.

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