
“I’m making this a priority in your life, starting today”

So I've been working in a Wendy's for a few years, awful decision, but it was convenient while I was in school. A few months ago, I went to one of our manager meetings (because a third of the staff are managers at this point) and the higher-ups were upset at our customer reviews, apparently. They weren't bad, per se, they just weren't good enough. Upper management even knows that most of our reviews are done by the staff themselves, they just let it slide because it lets them look better. Then they drop the absolute gem of a line that is the title, directed at our GM, but applying to everyone. If that's not a textbook definition red flag then nothing is. Like hell anyone's gonna make customer surveys of all things a priority in their lives – not their jobs, mind you, their lives – at a fast…

So I've been working in a Wendy's for a few years, awful decision, but it was convenient while I was in school. A few months ago, I went to one of our manager meetings (because a third of the staff are managers at this point) and the higher-ups were upset at our customer reviews, apparently. They weren't bad, per se, they just weren't good enough. Upper management even knows that most of our reviews are done by the staff themselves, they just let it slide because it lets them look better. Then they drop the absolute gem of a line that is the title, directed at our GM, but applying to everyone. If that's not a textbook definition red flag then nothing is. Like hell anyone's gonna make customer surveys of all things a priority in their lives – not their jobs, mind you, their lives – at a fast food place that pays managers 12 an hour and everyone else just over 10. Just a general tip from someone who's made this mistake btw, don't work fast food, it's utterly soul-crushing after a while. I just adore that somebody really had the audacity to say something like this. Anyways, first post on the sub, glad to be here, but upset it needs to exist.

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