
I’m not resigning.. fire me bitch- Part 3!

Morning Reddit. I type this with a weight lifted from my shoulders and my baby boy sleeping in my arms. My fight is over. Recap: Work was trying to force me back into the office immediately upon returning from maternity leave after being remote for over 2 yrs due to pandemic. I fought, saying there's no reason to be physically in. We perform best at home, as they've said countless times. They came back later lowering the number of days. Didn't matter. Not going in, not able, willing, or comfortable with it. Maybe a little petty, but hell I had nothing to lose. Maybe I could help things change. Found out they made exceptions and were backtracking on that. Saw they posted my position online as open the same day I returned, before I first objected. I was pissed. Well, I gave it all some serious thought over the weekend…

Morning Reddit.
I type this with a weight lifted from my shoulders and my baby boy sleeping in my arms. My fight is over.

Recap: Work was trying to force me back into the office immediately upon returning from maternity leave after being remote for over 2 yrs due to pandemic. I fought, saying there's no reason to be physically in. We perform best at home, as they've said countless times. They came back later lowering the number of days. Didn't matter. Not going in, not able, willing, or comfortable with it. Maybe a little petty, but hell I had nothing to lose. Maybe I could help things change.
Found out they made exceptions and were backtracking on that. Saw they posted my position online as open the same day I returned, before I first objected. I was pissed.

Well, I gave it all some serious thought over the weekend on what to do. Can't back down now right? If I said okay, what was the point of my fuss. Fuck it. Husband supports me and is also living vicariously through this lol.
I replied this morning to my boss' boss last email with something almost word for word a comment said. (Thanks guys! I swear I read almost every single one.)

Emails below:

I apologize for the delay.
I hope you understand that I have not offered, nor will I offer, my resignation. You cannot accept something that was never offered. I am more than able to work remotely as I have been. I will continue to do so until such time as you determine firing me and losing a valuable employee is the better option.
You of course have the right to terminate our relationship and my employment, but to be clear- this is not in any way voluntary on my part.


About an hour later, I got a call from my boss' boss and HR. NOT answering that shit! I want my paper trail. They constantly say stupid things over the phone and my mind goes blank. I know my limits. She called 3 times! I messaged them saying I'd prefer to keep this over email due to the sensitive nature of our conversation. She replied, “you have to answer the call”. I ignored another call. I said, “If you're going to fire me, I'd prefer you just say so.”

20 minutes go by…

Boss' boss:
Your refusal to return to work one day a week and answer my calls today has brought us to the point where we will accept your resignation.  We will pay you through the end of the day today, any unused vacation is forfeited.  Your benefits terminate at midnight tonight.   Contact HR regarding any questions about your health insurance and or other benefits.

While we can agree to disagree about the need to be in the office, I think it would have been crazy to answer your call this morning considering previous conversations over the phone in the past. Thank you for keeping this over email. You continue to use that word, “resignation”. I don’t think you understand what that means…
It was a pleasure. Good fucking luck.

My access was cut. Don't worry, I have copies of all of it. All of my coworkers texted me saying there was a meeting immediately after with the entire department. They were told that none of them are being replaced. I resigned. Management posted my job last Tuesday (lie) because I said that day I was not coming back. They already got 63 resumes and brought seven people in for interviews so far (lie). She doesn't think it will be hard to fill the spot (sure, but turnover) but she wanted them to know that none of their jobs are in jeopardy and that I decided not to come back. Wow. 

My coworkers are all pissed. Some are looking elsewhere for employment, some are asking for raises, and others are just quietly doing the bare minimum. Oh yeah, and I still had over 200 emails that needed my attention and over 1000 items in my queue. Sure, they'll find someone lol.

So there's the end of my saga.

Thanks for all the support! I will be enjoying my time off with my smiley baby, and maybe slowly start applying or see what unemployment says cuz why the hell not right. We'll be okay for a while. (Not why I did this. I was trying to fight for what I believed in. Well aware of the consequences). Lucky as hell to be in the position I am. Husband is so supportive. He brought our little man over to me after I closed my laptop for the last time, bouncing, singing “mama's got her baby! Mama's with her baby!” Ugh, my heart!

Some of you suggested I reach out to an employment lawyer. I think I will. Not sure I have anything, but it doesn't look good on them either way and again, I know my limits. I don't know law.

Tldr: new mom, 3 months postpartum. First day back to work 6/13. Remote since pandemic, only hired 2 months before that. Top performer on team. Not planning on going into office. Told it's “policy” and they'll accept my resignation. Back and forth a bit. They said I “resigned”. Smh

Part 1:
Part 2:

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