
I’m not sure if anyone else brought this up but the 4 day work week actually does work. Let me explain why.

So, let me start by saying I’m a nurse. Ive worked 2 types of 4 day work week schedules. First is where we work 4 days and get 2 days off and the schedule rotates around the week. Every ones schedules over lap to ensure coverage. An example: you work Monday to Thursday. You have Friday and Saturday off. But when you come back to work you’re working Sunday to Wednesday with Thursday Friday off. The other schedule Ive worked is where I work every Sunday to Tuesday and every other week Sunday to Wednesday where Ive gotten 3-4 days off in a week. (I usually always picked up the 4th day anyways because I wanted the additional money) and it was fine…it worked. The company never shut down. My pay was high and no issues. Technically as a Nurse Im still underpaid but I personally feel that nay sayers…

So, let me start by saying I’m a nurse. Ive worked 2 types of 4 day work week schedules. First is where we work 4 days and get 2 days off and the schedule rotates around the week. Every ones schedules over lap to ensure coverage. An example: you work Monday to Thursday. You have Friday and Saturday off. But when you come back to work you’re working Sunday to Wednesday with Thursday Friday off.

The other schedule Ive worked is where I work every Sunday to Tuesday and every other week Sunday to Wednesday where Ive gotten 3-4 days off in a week. (I usually always picked up the 4th day anyways because I wanted the additional money) and it was fine…it worked. The company never shut down. My pay was high and no issues.

Technically as a Nurse Im still underpaid but I personally feel that nay sayers against the 4 day work week are just ignorant. Im not lazy for not working 5 days a week every week. Im a human who has other interests outside of my job and I shouldnt be forced to spend the majority of my time away from my family and working. We should be given livable wages and asked to work shorter schedules. We’re not robots. 

Let me end this with saying, Im ready to protest when y’all are for better wages and schedules. I already sharpened my pitch fork.

Edit: I forgot to mention on the first schedule mentioned. I was working 8hour shifts. On the 2nd they were 12 hour shifts. So on the 2nd technically you worked your full time hours in 4 days (with a few over time hours) but were still given 3-4 days off between your schedules.

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