
I’m now a “utility” worker. I’m going to negotiate with my boss. Please help

I've worked as a bank teller in a medium sized bank in Missouri, USA for over a year. The bank has about 10 different branches around the town the main branch is located, and when fully staffed it employs about 100 people including all departments and all branches. I started at the main branch and worked for about 8 months often covering for the smallest branch (only 2 employees) when needed. I was never asked to cover I was just told. I didn't like covering for a few reasons, it's the next town over so about triple the commute, it closes an hour early so I get less hours, and most important I can not stand the other employee I worked with most of the time. Really it seemed like every time I worked with her the next day I would be called into HR for gossiping. We would talk…

I've worked as a bank teller in a medium sized bank in Missouri, USA for over a year. The bank has about 10 different branches around the town the main branch is located, and when fully staffed it employs about 100 people including all departments and all branches.

I started at the main branch and worked for about 8 months often covering for the smallest branch (only 2 employees) when needed. I was never asked to cover I was just told. I didn't like covering for a few reasons, it's the next town over so about triple the commute, it closes an hour early so I get less hours, and most important I can not stand the other employee I worked with most of the time. Really it seemed like every time I worked with her the next day I would be called into HR for gossiping.

We would talk about the bank and what was happening, but she was the one grilling me about wages and the salaries of others. She would dictate the conversation, and I would end up in trouble over it. I would get called into HR, who seems to be very good friends with that branches employees to be grilled over gossip I knew nothing about. At one point a large memo was distributed to everyone in the bank about how gossip is a terminable offense.

I was transferred to a branch located within a shopping center, which I love. I've worked here for 7 months. It has a good atmosphere, and the workers all get along, but the downside is I have to work on Saturday and Sunday.

Today my direct supervisor got a call saying that I was to cover for the smallest branch once again, and then I'm being moved back to the main branch indefinitely to serve as their “utility teller”. Meaning I will have to cover most branches at the drop of a hat, with some being a 2+ hour commute. This will come with no pay raise. I attempted to meet with HR and the CEO of the bank and said that I don't feel comfortable working at some of these branches with their culture of gossip. I was brushed off, being told I wouldn't work with the woman I had the most issues with. I was told that since I previously agreed to cover for these other branches, and no one else has the proper training, that I was responsible for it now as well. In reality, I never agreed to any such thing, and there is little to no additional training required.

Gossip is truly an issue at all levels of the bank, and it came to my attention today that the VP of the bank, allegedly, has told the HR person that she is watching me (on security cameras) like a hawk, and likely is looking for any potential wrongdoing as an excuse to punish me.

I do really like this job. I like the work, my coworkers, the hours, and it has decent pay and benefits for where I live. I've decided to try to negotiate with the CEO tomorrow. Any advice?

Edit- I still will be responsible for working the weekend shift. So I get the short end of all sticks it seems.

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