
I’m on my last nerve.

They fired my manager who had worked there for 22 years and was the glue holding my entire department together. Now everything is falling apart at work and I'm trying my best to keep things moving. I'm trying to teach other people how to do my job so I can actually take days off, but they are all vacant eyed slack jawed yes men ass kissers who don't pay attention when I talk. I managed to talk a former coworker into quitting her job and coming back to help me but now she's having to stay home with a sick child and even though I feel bad about that all I want the do is curse her out. I've got a goddam family too and I never get to spend time with them because I am always working. The worst part is I could walk less than half a mile…

They fired my manager who had worked there for 22 years and was the glue holding my entire department together. Now everything is falling apart at work and I'm trying my best to keep things moving. I'm trying to teach other people how to do my job so I can actually take days off, but they are all vacant eyed slack jawed yes men ass kissers who don't pay attention when I talk. I managed to talk a former coworker into quitting her job and coming back to help me but now she's having to stay home with a sick child and even though I feel bad about that all I want the do is curse her out. I've got a goddam family too and I never get to spend time with them because I am always working. The worst part is I could walk less than half a mile away from my job and get a much easier and less stressful job. It would pay less but all I would have to do is sit behind a counter all day. Even read on slow days. The only reason I'm staying is for the 5 or six people who I'm now in charge of. I floated the idea of putting in my 2 weeks notice and they all basically panicked. They are all older ladies with the exception of one teenage girl who this is her first job. Thanks for listening just needed to get that off my chest. I'm putting my notice in tomorrow, this is too exhausting.

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