
I’m on vacation right now and my job just called me to “let me know I’m scheduled for tonight and to kindly call them back to confirm” my time off was put in months ago and I checked before I left several times to make sure it was put through on our scheduling app ???????? WTF!??!????

Title says it all, I don’t even know wtf to do or what they’re talking about, I don’t want to call them back because now I’m stressed on my family vacation and I know I took care what I was responsible for before I left but WHAT THE FUCK. It’s my second job, and I really was miserable there but I wasn’t planning on getting fired from there- not like this at least. WHAT. THE. FUCK.

Title says it all, I don’t even know wtf to do or what they’re talking about, I don’t want to call them back because now I’m stressed on my family vacation and I know I took care what I was responsible for before I left but WHAT THE FUCK. It’s my second job, and I really was miserable there but I wasn’t planning on getting fired from there- not like this at least. WHAT. THE. FUCK.

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