
I’m painfully jealous of people who have it made.

You know the ones. Either the ones with so much money they could feed an entire country, and the ones who never lifted a finger for their millions. I'm not afraid to admit I'm horribly jealous of them for living the best life they could for the cost of virtually nothing. I've been thinking about this lately. I grew up and still am in horrible poverty and it seems like there's no way out. I live in a very small town without a qualification to my name OR a working car, so job hunting is difficult. I'm constantly stepping further down the ladder while some asshole is getting even further up for virtually no reason. I don't want much In life. The “American grind” is not for me. I'm content with a modest lifestyle. As long as bills are paid I'm pleased. But I absolutely feel jealousy that these people…

You know the ones. Either the ones with so much money they could feed an entire country, and the ones who never lifted a finger for their millions. I'm not afraid to admit I'm horribly jealous of them for living the best life they could for the cost of virtually nothing.

I've been thinking about this lately. I grew up and still am in horrible poverty and it seems like there's no way out. I live in a very small town without a qualification to my name OR a working car, so job hunting is difficult. I'm constantly stepping further down the ladder while some asshole is getting even further up for virtually no reason.

I don't want much In life. The “American grind” is not for me. I'm content with a modest lifestyle. As long as bills are paid I'm pleased. But I absolutely feel jealousy that these people have no financial worries in life. People always say money can't buy happiness. Well, money pays bills and gets food on the table. Money sure as hell buys comfort.

I'll probably delete this later as I just wanted to get this off my chest. I've been feeling horribly stressed and money is the primary reason why. I still live with my parents (I'm 21) and I feel as if they frequently remind me that our financial situation is my fault since I don't have a job. Seems like the only jobs around me are these dogshit jobs for minimum wage in a dreadful environment, dealing with people (which drives my anxiety up.)

TLDR; I'm just complaining that I wasn't born into money and I'm absolutely jealous of those who are WAY MORE than financially secure.


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