
I’m quitting, but they couldn’t find a replacement so they’re firing the receptionist due to lack of funding. Is it my fault?

A bit of my background. I work as a cram school teacher in the countryside in Taiwan. It's only been 6 months since I started the job, but I realized early on that this job doesn't suit me, plus my co-worker literally gives me a lot of anxiety every single day. So I put up my 8-week notice, which I thought was ample. Yesterday we had a meeting, me, my co-worker, the receptionist and my boss (we only have 4 people here). And my boss said to everyone during the meeting that my departure was unexpected, he had considered the possibility that students would drop out, leading to the lack of funding to support other co-workers. He is considering firing the receptionist. His wording made the whole thing sound like my fault. I'm not sure if I should feel guilty about it, but that co-worker of mine was seen crying…

A bit of my background.

I work as a cram school teacher in the countryside in Taiwan. It's only been 6 months since I started the job, but I realized early on that this job doesn't suit me, plus my co-worker literally gives me a lot of anxiety every single day. So I put up my 8-week notice, which I thought was ample.

Yesterday we had a meeting, me, my co-worker, the receptionist and my boss (we only have 4 people here). And my boss said to everyone during the meeting that my departure was unexpected, he had considered the possibility that students would drop out, leading to the lack of funding to support other co-workers. He is considering firing the receptionist. His wording made the whole thing sound like my fault. I'm not sure if I should feel guilty about it, but that co-worker of mine was seen crying yesterday and I just had so many ambivalent feelings.

I have like 50 students (for 5 different classes), and since this is a really small town, people generally don't accept the fact that people come and go. My resignation would definitely mean loss of students for my boss. That's why he came to this conclusion.

For reference, I've put up my notice way back at the beginning of February, and I said I would work until the end of April.

Is there anything I can do to make both myself and the receptionist feel better?

I appreciate any advice!

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