
I’m quitting my job and would like feedback on my resignation letter

I'm not sure if this post breaks the rules, but I really need some advice on the quality of my resignation letter. It was a spur of the moment decision (writing a letter that is, not quitting) and I just want to make sure my thoughts seem coherent to another person. I've censored any potential identifying info but this is a google doc so take that as you will. Please, any and all advice would be appreciated, it's nighttime where I currently live and I plan on sending this out tomorrow morning at least four hours before my shift is scheduled to start. Here is my resignation letter! I know it's not formatted well, I'll fix that when I remove the censors in the morning.

I'm not sure if this post breaks the rules, but I really need some advice on the quality of my resignation letter. It was a spur of the moment decision (writing a letter that is, not quitting) and I just want to make sure my thoughts seem coherent to another person. I've censored any potential identifying info but this is a google doc so take that as you will. Please, any and all advice would be appreciated, it's nighttime where I currently live and I plan on sending this out tomorrow morning at least four hours before my shift is scheduled to start.

Here is my resignation letter! I know it's not formatted well, I'll fix that when I remove the censors in the morning.

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