
I’m quitting my job with no notice.

Short story: My manager denied my time off request I submitted 3 months ago the night before I take a week’s vacation, so I’m leaving my job. Long story: I’ve worked at a warehouse for a bit over a year. When I started I had a kind manager who worked with me and was understanding when it came to my needs. A couple months into my job, a new manager came onto the scene. I didn’t interact much with him for the first few months until there was a change in management and he became my direct supervisor. From there, he went out of his way to pick out every single minor mistake I would make, and while at first I viewed it as him trying to teach me, every time he called me over it would become more and more personal. He would single me out form among my…

Short story: My manager denied my time off request I submitted 3 months ago the night before I take a week’s vacation, so I’m leaving my job.

Long story: I’ve worked at a warehouse for a bit over a year. When I started I had a kind manager who worked with me and was understanding when it came to my needs. A couple months into my job, a new manager came onto the scene. I didn’t interact much with him for the first few months until there was a change in management and he became my direct supervisor. From there, he went out of his way to pick out every single minor mistake I would make, and while at first I viewed it as him trying to teach me, every time he called me over it would become more and more personal. He would single me out form among my coworkers to take some task no one wanted, put someone else at my work station with no notice multiple times, and go out of his way to humiliate me (and other employees at times) in front of everyone. Tonight, he denied my time off request that I’ve had in since the beginning of May, so this is the last straw for me. Maybe I’m being petty by quitting over this, but I refuse to work in a workplace where I’m treated as simultaneously necessary and also someone to be trodden underfoot.

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