
I’m ready to quit.

I won’t spend much time explaining every detail, but there is some pretty shady shit happening around work and quite frankly, I’m tired of it. I’ve been with this company for a few years and things went amazing until around the last 6 months. In the past I have tried to quit, but then was offered a pretty hefty raise and for where I live and what I do, that pay is damn near unheard of. So I stayed. Why was I wanting to leave a year ago? Well, someone knew took over and the week before Christmas, fired about 30 people. While they were convincing me to stay, they explained a lot of them needed to go anyway because of attendance, blah blah blah. Whatever, okay I can’t pass up that pay right now. [It’s also ironic that one of the people who convinced me to stay, left and…

I won’t spend much time explaining every detail, but there is some pretty shady shit happening around work and quite frankly, I’m tired of it. I’ve been with this company for a few years and things went amazing until around the last 6 months.

In the past I have tried to quit, but then was offered a pretty hefty raise and for where I live and what I do, that pay is damn near unheard of. So I stayed. Why was I wanting to leave a year ago? Well, someone knew took over and the week before Christmas, fired about 30 people. While they were convincing me to stay, they explained a lot of them needed to go anyway because of attendance, blah blah blah. Whatever, okay I can’t pass up that pay right now. [It’s also ironic that one of the people who convinced me to stay, left and thinks we will all come to work one day and the building is locked up]

Some time goes by, I move into the position I have been wanting for ages and life was… decent. Then another pretty big layoff happened. The people I work closely with were spared and we were all a little shook but overall okay for the moment. Then shit really started getting bad within the last couple of weeks.

Downsizing to only a couple handfuls of employees. Rumors of taking away PTO because everyone needs to know how to do everything. Some people are now making more than me who have been there less time and do less work. Good for them, work the fucking system, but come on now. I guess that’s on me for not putting my foot down more but at this point, is it even worth the fight? No. No, I don’t think so.

Now I’ve been hearing that the few people left can only use the restroom on their 10 minute breaks. Grown ass adults can’t use the restroom? It’s fucked up enough regulating when children use the restroom at school, let alone GROWN ADULTS.

Oh, and the owner of the company is also HR. Which apparently, somehow, is legal.

I am truly anticipating the next thing to go is health insurance. We now have under 50 employees, more will likely still leave because no one wants to work there. But I think that just opens doors for people to come in making just above minimum wage.

There is a lot more, a whooooole lot more, but I’m just tired of it. But I’m also nervous because I don’t have a back up right now and I almost feel trapped because I’m looking to get a house soon and work history is a pretty big factor.

Regardless, I do not anticipate the company lasting the remainder of the year at this point and I have stopped caring. Which I hate, because once upon a time I did really enjoy my job. Oh, well. I made some great friends along the way and have a decent social media following. Maybe I’ll get the balls soon to say fuck it.

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