
I’m really upset about the federal push to get back into the office

So I am contracted to work for a branch of government and working from home has been so amazing. My contracting company has really shitty rules regarding when I can work. Normally, I can only work when my federal supervisor is working, and if my supervisor is off campus, I can’t go to work. With WFH in place, obviously I can work wherever I want, but only if my supervisor is also working that day. Now with the push to go back, I’ll have to go back into the office too. The problem is that I don’t live around the area anymore, so I’ll more than likely be forced to quit. This job wasn’t meant to be permanent anyway, more for recent college graduates. I’ll be going to grad school in the fall, but this means I’ll lose the income and health insurance I need for medication in the mean…

So I am contracted to work for a branch of government and working from home has been so amazing. My contracting company has really shitty rules regarding when I can work. Normally, I can only work when my federal supervisor is working, and if my supervisor is off campus, I can’t go to work.

With WFH in place, obviously I can work wherever I want, but only if my supervisor is also working that day. Now with the push to go back, I’ll have to go back into the office too. The problem is that I don’t live around the area anymore, so I’ll more than likely be forced to quit. This job wasn’t meant to be permanent anyway, more for recent college graduates. I’ll be going to grad school in the fall, but this means I’ll lose the income and health insurance I need for medication in the mean time.

The kicker is that this contracting company gives us “student contractors” the worst health insurance coverage possible, even though my federal coworkers have the best. And no paid time off/vacation/sick days.

I fking hate this contracting company and literally every one of my federal coworkers hates dealing with them too because of their asinine policies. I’m tired of this company treating us contractors like dirt. So many stories of my coworkers too where during the government shutdown in 2018-2019, contractors didn’t get paid at all during those months and were told to file for unemployment.

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