
I’m seeing more and more posts that want to see a limit on the number of houses that a person can own. Be very careful what you wish for…

…because we might get what you want. What might happen (if there is enough support for it) is that a government might limit the number of houses that 'a person' can own. It might not be an outright ban on multiple houses. It might be some complex formula designed to limit 'house hording' and 'rent exploitation'. Perhaps it might mean that a person can only own 2 houses (main and holiday) or 1 house and 2 apartments or there might be a limit on how long multiple houses can remain unrented etc etc. As I said, a complex mish mash of restrictions. But what we won't get is a ban on corporate entities owning multiple houses. Huge funds will be free to buy up thousands of homes. Never forget that the task of a neo-liberal government is to funnel the wealth upstream to the very richest in society. The very…

…because we might get what you want. What might happen (if there is enough support for it) is that a government might limit the number of houses that 'a person' can own. It might not be an outright ban on multiple houses. It might be some complex formula designed to limit 'house hording' and 'rent exploitation'. Perhaps it might mean that a person can only own 2 houses (main and holiday) or 1 house and 2 apartments or there might be a limit on how long multiple houses can remain unrented etc etc. As I said, a complex mish mash of restrictions.

But what we won't get is a ban on corporate entities owning multiple houses. Huge funds will be free to buy up thousands of homes.

Never forget that the task of a neo-liberal government is to funnel the wealth upstream to the very richest in society. The very richest in society always have their interests incorporated, often off shore. So when the 'ban on owning multiple homes' comes, have a look at the small print. It will apply to you and me, but not to the hedge funds.

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