
I’m sick and tired

Why the fuck do I have to give up 5 days a week for this fucking shitcunt rat race. I spend another recovering, leaving me with 1 day free, which is usually spent housekeeping or doing menial tasks. If I was making bank doing this I wouldn't mind, but it's the simple fact that I'm doing all this, giving up like 90% of my time, all for fucking nothing. I have no savings, I can barely afford to live. How in the ever loving fuck am I barely able to live when I'm working so fucking much. I fucking hate it here. Anyone got a bullet they can lend me?

Why the fuck do I have to give up 5 days a week for this fucking shitcunt rat race. I spend another recovering, leaving me with 1 day free, which is usually spent housekeeping or doing menial tasks. If I was making bank doing this I wouldn't mind, but it's the simple fact that I'm doing all this, giving up like 90% of my time, all for fucking nothing. I have no savings, I can barely afford to live. How in the ever loving fuck am I barely able to live when I'm working so fucking much. I fucking hate it here. Anyone got a bullet they can lend me?

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