
I’m sick and tired of this “Customer First” bullshit

I work my ass off to finish my Bachelors degree in Finance only to wind up in a shitty customer service call center job. These asshole customers don't deserve to have excellent service when all they do is treat me like I'm worthless scum and yell at me. I dont give a fuck anymore and I'm beginning to stand my ground. I'm not letting any customer call in to insult me or tell me how to do my job. Fuck customers

I work my ass off to finish my Bachelors degree in Finance only to wind up in a shitty customer service call center job. These asshole customers don't deserve to have excellent service when all they do is treat me like I'm worthless scum and yell at me.
I dont give a fuck anymore and I'm beginning to stand my ground. I'm not letting any customer call in to insult me or tell me how to do my job. Fuck customers

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