
I’m sick of it and it makes me so sad.

29m, white, live in a blue area in a red state, and I'm so sad for my friends and family that just had their rights taken away. I'm angry that our bought and paid for “elected by the people” leaders and this country based on “freedom” decided that people who aren't white, old, and rich don't deserve rights. I see the following types of people on my FB page; one's driven by religion – fine, one's driven by morals – fine, and then people that are following the lies of the politicians that are paid by companies that just want slaves. This country was founded on christian values, but there is supposed to be a separation of church and state. If you don't like the protections afforded by the government for individuals on a religious reason – that's fine, but don't take away those protections because you don't like them.…

29m, white, live in a blue area in a red state, and I'm so sad for my friends and family that just had their rights taken away. I'm angry that our bought and paid for “elected by the people” leaders and this country based on “freedom” decided that people who aren't white, old, and rich don't deserve rights.

I see the following types of people on my FB page; one's driven by religion – fine, one's driven by morals – fine, and then people that are following the lies of the politicians that are paid by companies that just want slaves. This country was founded on christian values, but there is supposed to be a separation of church and state. If you don't like the protections afforded by the government for individuals on a religious reason – that's fine, but don't take away those protections because you don't like them. If you think abortion is wrong because you don't think someone should be able to kill an unborn fetus (that has no idea of the world around it) because of moral reasons – fine, but same thing.

Gas is the highest its been, but if you ask these people – it's the president that controls prices. But when it's their party, it's Congress that controls prices and the lunatic in charge is doing everything he can to get rid of these high prices. It's all bullshit and I try to have a reasonable conversation with friends, and they just regurgitate the same old bullshit.

I am a pro2A person, but I can see that we need serious gun reform in the only country on the planet that school shootings are a common occurrence, “but there's no way to stop these terrible shootings”. The fuck there isn't – tougher background checks, waiting periods, give up your social media to the people doing the background check – history of posting dangerous stuff – no gun for you. Mental health reform, more money for professionals and less armor / weapons for the police.

I'd post this on FB, but frankly I do it and I would get killed by people that I consider friends. I'm friends because I like them, but I hate their politics.

EDIT: Nobody wants to work according to a friend that makes $50/hr doing construction, dude you are making multiple times minimum wage. You have a house, and a $65k truck. I make $20/hr, and I'm lucky in that the area is relatively low cost living, I have no debt, I'm an exception to this – but I still can't afford some things. Nobody wants to kill themselves over a job, but fuck, “I need to afford to live – have to keep working”.

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