
I’m sick of seeing emails from the US Department of Education that do not help me

Great, loan forgiveness for you, loan forgiveness for you. Here’s a little for you. But fuck me right? I’m over 50k in debt, I must have went to Yale, not had been a single mom borrowing the max student loans just to be able to pay for a shit apartment (because public housing lists were closed) for an IT degree from a fledging IT program that only started her out at $15 an hour and didn’t prepare her at all for the workplace. I must have went to Yale, not went to school part time and work full time because going to school full time meant her dumb ass started failing class because she couldn’t handle full time school + work + raising a child on her own because of her poor education stemming from an unstable fucking past that included time spent in foster care, abuse and parental abandonment.…

Great, loan forgiveness for you, loan forgiveness for you. Here’s a little for you. But fuck me right? I’m over 50k in debt, I must have went to Yale, not had been a single mom borrowing the max student loans just to be able to pay for a shit apartment (because public housing lists were closed) for an IT degree from a fledging IT program that only started her out at $15 an hour and didn’t prepare her at all for the workplace. I must have went to Yale, not went to school part time and work full time because going to school full time meant her dumb ass started failing class because she couldn’t handle full time school + work + raising a child on her own because of her poor education stemming from an unstable fucking past that included time spent in foster care, abuse and parental abandonment.

But yeah, pull myself up by the bootstraps because I GRADUATED FROM FUCKING YALE.

Thank you for coming to my rant.

I would like my student loan forgiveness now please.

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