
I’m sick of the blatant double standards at work, and how one team’s efforts outside of work is labeled as unfair

I’m sorry, I just need to rant for a bit I work in a food distribution warehouse as a store person. Y’know, one of the people doing the hard yakka to keep the place running. Our place has a small staff count but a high turnover rate, but I’ve been there for two years and I’m the most recent long term employee out of the store people and drivers. Whenever we have someone decide the job isn’t right for them for whatever reason, they’re free to go and everyone else pitches in however they can to help cover for them until a replacement is found, no dramas. If they’ve been there for a while and they call it quits, yeah, we have a bit of a going away party with a cake that we all pitch in for. Otherwise it’s just “See ya, good luck”. Well at the start of…

I’m sorry, I just need to rant for a bit

I work in a food distribution warehouse as a store person. Y’know, one of the people doing the hard yakka to keep the place running. Our place has a small staff count but a high turnover rate, but I’ve been there for two years and I’m the most recent long term employee out of the store people and drivers. Whenever we have someone decide the job isn’t right for them for whatever reason, they’re free to go and everyone else pitches in however they can to help cover for them until a replacement is found, no dramas. If they’ve been there for a while and they call it quits, yeah, we have a bit of a going away party with a cake that we all pitch in for. Otherwise it’s just “See ya, good luck”.

Well at the start of this year one of our crew realised we’re getting a bunch of people who regularly bring canned drinks in to work, so they suggested setting up a designated recycling station for empty cans and we all take turns emptying it at the Return and Earn stations (for anyone unfamiliar, basically for every can or glass bottle you return there, you get 10 cents as a reward for recycling). It’s not much, but over the course of the year it would easily add up to enough for everyone in the warehouse and all the drivers to go out to a pub and have a few rounds each at the end of the year.

We left the office staff out of the plan for one main reason. They only work days, and their crew is bigger than all of the warehouse crew across day shift and night shift, yet any time one of them leaves the owner throws a little “going away” lunch paid for by the company no matter how long they’ve been there and the warehouse staff and drivers are left out. We figured if we’re doing all the hard work and get no reward for staying then we should be entitled to have our own party, and we’re paying for it ourselves.

But the office crew found out and are now complaining to the owner because we’re “creating a rift between the teams that need to be working together”.

I’m sorry, that rift was created from day one of everyone’s employment. How can this situation be objectively unfair?

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