
I’m sick to my stomach about quitting today

Yesterday I had decided I'm going to quit my job. It takes a team to keep a store running but it also takes 1 to have it fall apart. We are only a team of 5 so we are a very small staff. The Assistant Manager (AM) recently gained a temporary manager position when our previous manger decided to leave a few months ago. Since then the moral in the store has been completely shot. I don't like conflict and I can be generally really good at just ignoring when a boss is in a bad mood. However it's effected the rest of the team. I hear all their tales regarding AM's attitude, lack of empathy, laziness and favoritism towards their self regarding scheduling, disinterested in any physical labor on the job we are left doing…or oddly enough not doing. So many times I could have had shipment done and…

Yesterday I had decided I'm going to quit my job.

It takes a team to keep a store running but it also takes 1 to have it fall apart. We are only a team of 5 so we are a very small staff.
The Assistant Manager (AM) recently gained a temporary manager position when our previous manger decided to leave a few months ago. Since then the moral in the store has been completely shot.

I don't like conflict and I can be generally really good at just ignoring when a boss is in a bad mood. However it's effected the rest of the team. I hear all their tales regarding AM's attitude, lack of empathy, laziness and favoritism towards their self regarding scheduling, disinterested in any physical labor on the job we are left doing…or oddly enough not doing. So many times I could have had shipment done and over with but AM refused to let me. Stock has been sitting on the floor for over a week now just waiting for our next stock to pile on-top of that one. Product sitting In boxes I know we have but can't touch because it's not counted and entered in the system.

I love to listen. I'm great at keeping secrets and I feel good when my team can consider I'm a safe space to talk too about AM.
It's been happening so often now that i took it upon myself to speak with the AM and the issues about staff moral and other general piss offs that have the staff on edge. AM took it well and it was fine for a few weeks but it's not any better.
AMs habits have picked back up… complaint after complaint have been flooding, one of are few staff just put in a two weeks, and I don't think I have ever seen moral so low in a work place my entire life.

It's been bringing me down. After discussions with my team on possible problem-solving, emails to our District Manager (AMs boss) we feel nothing has progressed to keep peace and find solutions.

My last straw was yesterday. It's going to sound outrageously petty…
We all (except AM) do our darnedest to keep the back room clean, organized and safe to move around. It's a very small back room so if stock isn't put away properly it can be chaotic and it's not enough floor space to maneuver without dodging obstacles. I regularly go through our heaviest boxes and keep them alphabetical and dated for what's expiring first. Everything had a place, everything fit.
I come into work after having two days off in a row and the store was a pit. Buckets we keep product in for show left sitting idle on counters, signage everywhere, paper work left in piles, product left in baskets with no direction on the method to AMs madness.
And worst off all….AM touched all the organization I had worked so hard to keep together. Boxes were removed from their spots and put in other areas, some not even put away properly at all and left on shelves because it looked like AM couldn't make them fit in the same area anymore. Most shelves were so messed up it just exhausted me. It was at that point where I was tired of carrying after my AM. Sloppy Paper work I'll fix and correct to cover butts, till counts being consistently off…the attitude towards staff and situations you know a manager shouldn't be acting in unprofessional ways.

I have never quit a job before and not leave a two weeks…it's making me sick to my stomach but I know in the long run it will be better for me mentally. I have no passion here anymore. It's a misery waking everyday knowing I have to go to work with my AM and wondering what ordeal I'll be in today.

I know all this might sound petty and childish…and thank you for anyone who bothered to read this. It's nice to be able to vent somewhere and be the one who complains for once. But I'm not happy. And I have exhausted my options on how to get AM and Staff to figure stuff out the corporate way. So at 5:30pm today when I'm done my shift I'll tell my AM I'm not coming into work tomorrow or any day after. I'll even use her favorite phrase if she complains “Sounds like it's a you problem”.

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