
I’m so angry and heartbroken right now

My best friends mother is dying in the hospital with lung cancer. Her MOTHER. And she is probably going to be fired because she wants to be there for her mother in her mothers last moments. How can this be legal? Her friends shouldn’t have to make a go fund me to help her get by after she is fired and grieving, she shouldn’t have to get search for a new job after the heavy loss of a parent. Why can’t employers just do the basic humane thing and not fire people for being with their dying parent in their final days? Grieving leave should be a given just like maternity leave and at the very least DONT FORCE SOMEONE TO WORK WHILE the person closest to them in life is laying in a hospital bed just waiting to die….

My best friends mother is dying in the hospital with lung cancer. Her MOTHER. And she is probably going to be fired because she wants to be there for her mother in her mothers last moments. How can this be legal? Her friends shouldn’t have to make a go fund me to help her get by after she is fired and grieving, she shouldn’t have to get search for a new job after the heavy loss of a parent. Why can’t employers just do the basic humane thing and not fire people for being with their dying parent in their final days?
Grieving leave should be a given just like maternity leave and at the very least DONT FORCE SOMEONE TO WORK WHILE the person closest to them in life is laying in a hospital bed just waiting to die….

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