
I’m so fed up

For context I work at a restaurant, its a family owned company. No benefits and low pay. Been there almost a year, all supervisors/managers have quit except one supervisor I hired to help our other store and the manager who hired me. Power issues knocked out our pos system two days ago, its been hell getting things to work while staying open. Today my boss told me I was not trying hard enough. That the company wants someone who's going to put the business first not someone who just wants to be friends with the staff (I don't hang out with my staff and don't talk to them outside of work, I try and treat them decently because they are human beings and because we get shitty pay and have a boss who treats us like garbage). She then said that if being a manager (she stopped mid sentence and…

For context I work at a restaurant, its a family owned company. No benefits and low pay. Been there almost a year, all supervisors/managers have quit except one supervisor I hired to help our other store and the manager who hired me.

Power issues knocked out our pos system two days ago, its been hell getting things to work while staying open. Today my boss told me I was not trying hard enough. That the company wants someone who's going to put the business first not someone who just wants to be friends with the staff (I don't hang out with my staff and don't talk to them outside of work, I try and treat them decently because they are human beings and because we get shitty pay and have a boss who treats us like garbage). She then said that if being a manager (she stopped mid sentence and corrected it to supervisor) was to difficult for me I should find something else. I was hired as a supervisor. I run this restaurant by myself for most of the week, no support, no manager. I work on schedules, I hire people, I contact our contractors to fix things, I make supply runs to stores, I bring my own tools from home and fix whatever is within my ability to repair. I work every day without a lunch break because I cannot sit down for 5 minutes without someone coming to look for me with an issue.

I don't take vacations. I don't request holidays. I don't call out sick. I'm a supervisor who does the job of a manager but I am not doing enough and I am so goddamn tired of this bullshit. This situation at this business isn't unique, this happened at my last job too. I am so fed up and I am so pissed that after everything I do my boss had the nerve to tell me I am not putting enough effort.

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