
I’m so glad I quit

I put in my 2 weeks 12 days ago. I am moving out of town but my coworkers at this job were the best I've ever worked with. I couldn't let it stand that in response to telling management in my exit interview that everyone in the office knew my replacement was going to make more, and their response being to threaten to fire anyone who discusses wages. I just wish I had what she said in writing so my old coworkers don't have to suffer this fool.

I put in my 2 weeks 12 days ago. I am moving out of town but my coworkers at this job were the best I've ever worked with. I couldn't let it stand that in response to telling management in my exit interview that everyone in the office knew my replacement was going to make more, and their response being to threaten to fire anyone who discusses wages. I just wish I had what she said in writing so my old coworkers don't have to suffer this fool.

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