
I’m so mad- just a quick vent

Recently got promoted from senior specialist to team lead. Tbh I was excited and ready to learn & grow as a leader THEN I got my team’s pay history. I was so underpaid as a senior compared to the 2 other senior specialists that now even with a 10% raise from this promotion I still make less than they do. Now I’m just trying to figure out what’s going to happen on Monday. I am thankful I just got this access because if I would Have been in the office , the way my blood is boiling right now it wouldn’t have went well.

Recently got promoted from senior specialist to team lead. Tbh I was excited and ready to learn & grow as a leader THEN I got my team’s pay history. I was so underpaid as a senior compared to the 2 other senior specialists that now even with a 10% raise from this promotion I still make less than they do.

Now I’m just trying to figure out what’s going to happen on Monday. I am thankful I just got this access because if I would Have been in the office , the way my blood is boiling right now it wouldn’t have went well.

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