
I’m so over it

Hello, I work in customer service. Specifically call center work. It is 4:42am and I cannot sleep because I am so stressed out over work that it is all I can think about. For context, I am a trans individual FtM pre hormones. Every day people call me “ma'am” or the lady on the phone, it fucks with me so bad. In addition, I feel constantly micromanaged or feel like I have my bosses breathing down my neck. When I first started I really loved this job, but lately it seems like nothing I do or say is right. My other coworker who actually recently quit due to the stress keeps telling me that the client is going to leave and I will become jobless because they aren't happy with our work. So now every night I stay up wondering how I can improve, to the point where it is…

Hello, I work in customer service. Specifically call center work. It is 4:42am and I cannot sleep because I am so stressed out over work that it is all I can think about. For context, I am a trans individual FtM pre hormones. Every day people call me “ma'am” or the lady on the phone, it fucks with me so bad. In addition, I feel constantly micromanaged or feel like I have my bosses breathing down my neck. When I first started I really loved this job, but lately it seems like nothing I do or say is right. My other coworker who actually recently quit due to the stress keeps telling me that the client is going to leave and I will become jobless because they aren't happy with our work. So now every night I stay up wondering how I can improve, to the point where it is eating away at me. Idk, I guess I just needed to vent into the void. I'm sick of being terrified of losing my job every day or worried about underperformance. I'm so so so unhappy.

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