
I’m so sick of my work (Rant)

I hate my job so, so much. It wasn't always this way. I used to LOVE my job! I'm a beauty consultant in a large corpotate store who loves doing fun makeup, talking about hair dye, and adores finding the right color for someone. Management is the issue. I'm the ONLY person in my department. They made me DBO, which is above the average employee. This doesn't come with a pay raise, hour guarantee, benefit increase, etc. Just more responsibilities and “being able to make changes to your department” (wrong). Management refuses to have open to close coverage, despite high theft and low push rates. Thousands of dollars are stolen every day after my shift. The shelves are barely stocked. Instead of giving me help, they add more responsibilities to my plate in hope to get things done. The only reason I'm not being run ragged is due to them…

I hate my job so, so much. It wasn't always this way. I used to LOVE my job! I'm a beauty consultant in a large corpotate store who loves doing fun makeup, talking about hair dye, and adores finding the right color for someone. Management is the issue.

I'm the ONLY person in my department. They made me DBO, which is above the average employee. This doesn't come with a pay raise, hour guarantee, benefit increase, etc. Just more responsibilities and “being able to make changes to your department” (wrong).

Management refuses to have open to close coverage, despite high theft and low push rates. Thousands of dollars are stolen every day after my shift. The shelves are barely stocked. Instead of giving me help, they add more responsibilities to my plate in hope to get things done.

The only reason I'm not being run ragged is due to them not giving me enough hours. I can barely get the basics done, nonetheless the added things they want me to achieve. My car was barely road safe for months because I didn't have enough money to fix it. I can barely pay rent. My s/o has to sneak food off his campus for me to be able to eat more than vending machine snacks. I can't even afford the company health insurance, so I haven't been to a doctor in far too long.

I've tried going to HR to discuss, but they're being capped at the knees by management and payroll. I feel as if I have no where to turn to. I can't leave because the one benefit I have is them paying for my education.

Now they're changing the way I do things, even though NONE of them ever worked in my department! I have a way of doing things I developed to compensate being alone–which was working, btw–and now they're tearing it apart.

I miss when I loved coming into work. I miss when I enjoyed speaking to guests. I miss not dreading every day, just surviving till the weekend.

TLDR; Management taking away everything I enjoy, dictating everything I do (despite me being head of the departmen), and I can't even leave.

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