
I’m so tired

I was working at a work from home job for about 5 months last year and it was $13 an hour but I was so thankful just to be working from home. A week before Christmas they ended our contract for what we were actually doing and what I was hired for, and changed all the job requirements and duties. My job title went from being a case manager who was helping obtain covid-19 rental and utility assistance where my main duties were processing applications looking at documents moving cases through for approval and occasional outbound calls on a 10:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. schedule, to inbound calls helping elderly people places orders for medical equipment and over the counter medications. We were expected to do 20 calls minimum per hour, and my schedule changed to 6:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. literally Friday I was working one job Monday I…

I was working at a work from home job for about 5 months last year and it was $13 an hour but I was so thankful just to be working from home. A week before Christmas they ended our contract for what we were actually doing and what I was hired for, and changed all the job requirements and duties. My job title went from being a case manager who was helping obtain covid-19 rental and utility assistance where my main duties were processing applications looking at documents moving cases through for approval and occasional outbound calls on a 10:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. schedule, to inbound calls helping elderly people places orders for medical equipment and over the counter medications. We were expected to do 20 calls minimum per hour, and my schedule changed to 6:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. literally Friday I was working one job Monday I was starting training for the next one. We were told that if we didn't take the new assignment we were voluntarily quitting. The new assignment is not what I signed up to do I do not do well with inbound calls I have horrible anxiety. That schedule also does not work in any way for me. I tried to figure something out and was let go on Christmas Eve because the wouldn't work with me at all. However they said it was me quitting because I refused to do the job duties.

We were barely scraping by as it was, and I could not find another at home job that wasn't phones so I went back to the restaurant industry which basically destroyed my soul I had worked so hard to get out of the restaurant industry, I got hired for two part-time jobs because nobody's hiring for full time. First job is mornings at a health food restaurant. Second job afternoons and evenings at a restaurant that rhymes with Tipotle. So at first the first job was all right it's $11 an hour plus tips. 21 hours a week. Second job $13.69 an hour (even though I have years of manager experience and a business degree it's a struggle to get any wage at any restaurant over $12.50 an hour in my area.)

So the second job sets me up for orientation which is supposed to be my first two shifts I'm supposed to watch training videos which I'm fine with because it goes over the policies and everything and the specs standards whatnot not to mention it's company policy so if you don't do the orientation you're not eligible for raises or possible promotions. I go for my first day of orientation and they tell me they're closing early and so they only have time to do some paperwork so I was there for about 40 minutes filling out paperwork. Then they set me up for my first”real” day of orientation. I go in that day they don't have a clock in for me so they write everything down have me initial it etc. There's no videos no training they just throw me on the line immediately okay I handle it I flow with it I do pretty well. Then the electrical system goes down for the computers and we can no longer take orders while they're waiting for it to come back up I have nothing to do cuz I don't know where anything is or how to do anything so they end up sending me home early.

That was almost a month ago and they have not paid me they have not scheduled me for another shift. They did however try to pull a power move on me and call me on one of the days that I did not have availability on and have me come in with only about 20 minutes notice to work. I stuck with my boundaries and said no I'm not available on this day and this is not enough notice.

I have reached out numerous times I finally got my time card entered and supposed to be getting a debit card with my pay on it sent to me. I asked multiple times about the schedule I never got a response. So clearly I was fired for not bowing to their power move but they won't even tell me.

The first job was all right. Except I've never been given tips, and I'm scheduled every weekend and the managers that open every weekend are never on time. I haven't even worked there a month yet, and already 3 times I've shown up for my scheduled shift and nobody has been there. The first time I stood outside in 22 degree weather for 25 minutes before someone showed up. Yesterday I waited in 7 degree weather for 25 minutes until the GM finally messaged me back and apologized for the weekend manager and said I could go home so I left. Today I got a message from the opening manager when I was 5 minutes away that she was running late. Tried to pin down an estimate of what time she would be there. She wouldn't give an answer. I waited 25 minutes again in freezing cold temperatures and left.

Why did I wait at all, all three times? 1) I take the bus and on weekends it runs once or twice an hour so I'm waiting anyway. 2) I'm paying to go there and then losing out on hours, so I'm losing money just to be absolutely disrespected and stand in the cold for no reason. I have a child to support and even with food stamps and my stipends (I'm also in college full time trying to make a better life) were barely making ends meet.

But I'm done, I didn't respond to any further messages today and just left, and I took all my weekend availability off the schedule.

I'm so tired. I'm so so so tired. I'm desperately looking for an at home job that doesn't involve much phone work if any phone work at all but application after application and I get the message they are going with other candidates, or I hear nothing at all, or I go through the entire process of applying and submitting my resume through indeed and taking all the long ass stupid assessments everyone requires now, and refusing to answer all the discriminatory questions about race and disability and gender and sexuality, and then I get a fucking dumbass email asking me to do it all over again and fill an application out on the company's website and upload my resume directly on the webpage.

I'm also being sued for wage garnishment. Multiple debt collectors have sued me since the pandemic started, due to working in restaurants that don't care for most of that time as well, I missed two of the court dates as I was not allowed to take time off, and got default judgements against me, and the third collector never served me properly but I don't have money to file to appeal the judgement and I can't prove I wasn't served properly.

If I didn't have my kid and cats to worry about I'd jump off a bridge. This isn't how life is supposed to be. This isn't living this is barely existing to make corporations money.

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