
I’m so tired and angry

I’ve worked for 7 years at a shady wireless internet company. I hate my job. I frequently go to my boss to talk to him about problems with the network. Areas that need more bandwidth due to the backhauls not having enough capacity to support the amount of customers or the bandwidth sold. He does nothing. Ive asked for etas, built the antennas for these jobs, been forced to LIE to customers and still nothing gets done about it. We lost our office manager 2 years ago, and I dont believe he even tried to replace them. He goes on vacation 2 months out of the year, leaving basically a skeleton staff that doesn't even have full access to the network. I'm so angry and sad all the time. I feel trapped, lost, and useless.

I’ve worked for 7 years at a shady wireless internet company. I hate my job. I frequently go to my boss to talk to him about problems with the network. Areas that need more bandwidth due to the backhauls not having enough capacity to support the amount of customers or the bandwidth sold. He does nothing. Ive asked for etas, built the antennas for these jobs, been forced to LIE to customers and still nothing gets done about it. We lost our office manager 2 years ago, and I dont believe he even tried to replace them. He goes on vacation 2 months out of the year, leaving basically a skeleton staff that doesn't even have full access to the network. I'm so angry and sad all the time. I feel trapped, lost, and useless.

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