
I’m so tired of playing nice. Are you tired of the corruption in America? Are you tired of having old, rich, white men say what we should do with our bodies and our lives? Don’t write on a sign…STRIKE AND DO NOT GO TO WORK!

Where has playing nice got us? We need to stop sitting on our asses because guess what? The one percent fuckin own us, we are literally their bitch. We work and work and work and they take the money and give us barely anything. It's not even scraps anymore it's fucking crumbs. Elon Musk makes 1.4 MILLION an hour. One guy. Minimum wage is still $7.25 an hour in America. You can say “well he made his money” yeah his father's emerald mines definitely helped. Nobody should own that much money when there are so many suffering. Then besides the wage disparity we have minorities suffering, rights being taken away, Democratic party doing jack shit, Republicans going batshit insane. But guess what? I have a solution. If you're mad at the supreme court, if you're mad at the wage disparity, if you're mad the 1% take EVERYTHING from you, if…

Where has playing nice got us? We need to stop sitting on our asses because guess what? The one percent fuckin own us, we are literally their bitch. We work and work and work and they take the money and give us barely anything. It's not even scraps anymore it's fucking crumbs. Elon Musk makes 1.4 MILLION an hour. One guy. Minimum wage is still $7.25 an hour in America. You can say “well he made his money” yeah his father's emerald mines definitely helped. Nobody should own that much money when there are so many suffering. Then besides the wage disparity we have minorities suffering, rights being taken away, Democratic party doing jack shit, Republicans going batshit insane.

But guess what? I have a solution. If you're mad at the supreme court, if you're mad at the wage disparity, if you're mad the 1% take EVERYTHING from you, if you're mad at this country and its leaders, and if you're just fucking mad at it all… let's do something. Our protests and signs won't change anything unless we act as well. Look at the groups that took action in the past and you'll see they're the ones who made change. We need protests and signs but it's not all we can do and just go home and hope for the best. They don't care. But what they do care about? Money.

What happens when we stop working and the economy halts? America is the biggest capitalism machine in the world and guess what it runs on? Us. Workers. If everyone and I mean EVERYONE stopped going to work and went on strike…I think then we'd actually make progress. Then we'd be surprised at how fast the government can act. Aren't you all tired of how things are? Get off your ass and do something with me together. We need money and some of you have families to take care of. But if everyone agrees to this, nobody is making money and we'd all be in this together. Let's hit them where it hurts. Change can happen, we're not fuckin powerless. The 1% just made us believe we are.

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